The future that I want 

I dont wanna travel in time, because I think the future will be a collapsed society, violent and without natural resources. But if the future where a better place, I imagine as a classless society, whit a austere and natural life, wherein there is no luxery, a society werein the tecnology let the people work less hours in the day and the rest of time could dedicate to her hobbies or family and friends.

I imagine the world where the people don’t suffer deseases as VHI or cancer, where the medicine it´s assured as a human right, with a prevencion system for such pathologies. I imagine a future in which the people realised from religions and superstitions, where the society cares of the children, free of violence and the tyranny of hers families. A future whit no countries, but a global comunitie which cooperates in coordinated and racional way. A future where the common good and not the individualism dominant. A society where te knowledge where in service of all and not the private bussines.


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