
The changes that could be made in my study programme

  Hi everyone! Today i will tell you the changes that i would do to my study programme,  first of all  I am a student of visual arts at the University of Chili, I have only been studying for a year, so I cannot criticize the curriculum, since I am not fully familiar with it. However, I feel that the career has few theoretical subjects, these are much more developed in the career of art theory and history, but I believe that a good artist must also have a solid background in aesthetics and art history. This is essential so that you can dialogue with the tradition and current trends that are developing in the field of visual arts. the practical assignaments are the most important of the degree, new degrees are taught in them but sometimes the topics and the works that are presentaed seems only to be complying with the requirements of form and few with the generation of a work that generates any reflection, an image or metaphor. while it´s difficult to assess the creativi...


 The future that I want  I dont wanna travel in time, because I think the future will be a collapsed society, violent and without natural resources. But if the future where a better place, I imagine as a classless society, whit a austere and natural life, wherein there is no luxery, a society werein the tecnology let the people work less hours in the day and the rest of time could dedicate to her hobbies or family and friends. I imagine the world where the people don’t suffer deseases as VHI or cancer, where the medicine it´s assured as a human right, with a prevencion system for such pathologies. I imagine a future in which the people realised from religions and superstitions, where the society cares of the children, free of violence and the tyranny of hers families. A future whit no countries, but a global comunitie which cooperates in coordinated and racional way. A future where the common good and not the individualism dominant. A society where te knowledge where in ser...




 MY DREAM JOB Hi everyone! The job that I want it’s being college or university teacher. I think it’s an interesting job, where you can teach and have feedback from the students, keeping you updated in the new reflexions and vanguards. I think I could teach silverwork or jewellery or some theorical matters as history or aestethic. The skills are is keep constantly studying, being open minded and to be careful observer of the new ideas to don't become an old fashioned. I think I have skills to teach because for me it’s fun and nice. I don't really care about the salary because in visuals art its always a hard job. I think more in the work environment or other stuff. But at least work in any university or college brings a regular income and some stability. Im studying visual arts and after I will study a master or the pedagogy. I prefer study a master but also I could try to go out to study in other country with better opportunities  in the artistic field. I think Canad...


  Hi everyone!      In this oportunity I’m gonna tell you my best concert ever. Once in a moon I go to concerts because are too expensive for me, but I had two opportunities to went to see very good recitals. The both I consider the best bacause they were in different context and they were very significant for me.      The first, Santiago Urbano Fest, was the 2018 and there I could saw Follakzoid, Flying Lotus and the headliner and my favorite: Radiohead. The repertoire has old songs from The Bends and Ok Computer albums and also new songs of the Moon Shaped Pool album. I was in the gallery so I only could saw Thom York on the lateral screens and the soud was not loud, anyway it was a good experience, because Radiohead played songs for about an one and a half hour.  See you in the next time!!!!!

The country i would like to visit: France

  Hi everyone! My name is Vicente and I really want to go to France. it's a country full of history and culture nice places, and wonderful museums. I've had the first approach to this country in secondary, because in my school they teach the French language, also we had a french week when we taste the tradicional food and had stands with information.  France its a great country, his capital its Paris and there its The Louvre Museum, the Museum D'Orsay and the Pompidou center. also has greats parks and avenues, for example les champs èlisée whit his magnificent Eiffel's tower.  But not all its museums, Paris has a very important reputation as a gastronomic capital, where you can taste typical dishes like foie grass or creme brule, also you can drink wines with designation of origin. For the more young's, Paris has fun nightlife with shows and pubs, this places has live music for every taste.  (skyline of Paris)  Personally, i want to study a master degree in this...